The sunset

I like taking pictures on my phone. Especially, I like taking pictures of the sky. I took the picture about a month ago. It's a sunset view from the rooftop. The rooftop of AEON Niigata Higashi.
The sky looks different every time I see it. I really like majic hour. When I look at the sky without a single cloud, my mind also be sunny.
I feel summer when i see the thunderheads.


  1. I think your photography skills are high, because your photo is very beautiful and clear! I like waching in the sky. Especially, I like night sky. Because night sky has the moon and beautiful stars.

  2. These picture are very nice!!! I like too take pictures about sunset. The moment of losing sunlight, it's so touched for me.

  3. Your pictures are very wonderful! The clouds shadowed by the sunset are beautiful.

  4. You are a very nice photographer! I lub your pictures. I also feel summer when I see the thunderheads.

  5. Your photo is so beautiful. I like taking photo of sky too! I am so happy when I see a plane in the sky.


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